Mr. Rajeev Maurya

the current Treasurer of a Dewan’s Kalpaka Co-Operative Housing Society is responsible for managing the financial affairs of the society. His role is crucial for ensuring proper accounting, financial transparency, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The Treasurer’s responsibilities are governed by the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, and the Model Bye-laws of Cooperative Housing Societies.

Key Responsibilities

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Maintains accurate records of all financial transactions, including income, expenses, and funds collected from members.
  • Ensures that the society’s books of accounts are up-to-date and properly maintained.
  • Keeps track of maintenance charges, sinking funds, reserve funds, and other contributions.
  • Prepares the annual budget of the society in consultation with the Managing Committee.
  • Ensures that funds are used appropriately for maintenance, repairs, and other expenses.
  • Allocates funds for specific purposes such as security, waste management, and common area maintenance.
  • Ensures timely collection of maintenance charges, property taxes, water bills, and other dues from society members.
  • Issues notices for non-payment of dues and follows up with defaulters.
  • Maintains a list of members who have defaulted on payments and reports to the Managing Committee.
  • Operates the society’s bank account, ensuring all transactions are properly recorded.
  • Deposits collected maintenance fees and other funds into the society’s designated bank accounts.
  • Ensures that society funds are invested or saved appropriately as per cooperative housing society rules.
  • Prepares financial reports and statements for auditing purposes.
  • Ensures the society undergoes a mandatory annual audit, as per government regulations.
  • Submits necessary financial documents to the Registrar of Cooperative Societies.
  • Presents financial reports at Annual General Meetings (AGM) and Managing Committee meetings.
  • Provides details of income, expenses, and account balances to society members when required.
  • Maintains transparency in financial transactions to avoid disputes or mismanagement claims.