Mr. Ravindra Mahadik

Current Chairman of a Dewan’s Kalpaka Co-Operative Housing Society holds the highest executive position and is responsible for overseeing the management and administration of the society. He ensures that the society functions smoothly, adheres to legal regulations, and maintains harmony among members. The role of the Chairman is primarily defined under the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, and the Model Bye-laws of Cooperative Housing Societies.

Key Responsibilities

Administrative Responsibilities

  • Acts as the head of the society’s Managing Committee and provides leadership in decision-making.
  • Ensures that the society operates in compliance with cooperative laws and its bye-laws.
  • Presides over Annual General Meetings (AGM), Special General Meetings (SGM), and Managing Committee meetings.
  • Guides the Secretary and Treasurer in fulfilling their responsibilities.
  • Ensures the society complies with the Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, 1960, and other housing regulations.
  • Represents the society in legal matters, government dealings, and dispute resolution cases.
  • Signs legal agreements, contracts, and official documents on behalf of the society when required.
  • Works with the Treasurer and Managing Committee to ensure proper financial management.
  • Approves budgets, maintenance charges, and fund allocations for repairs and improvements.
  • Ensures that the audit of the society’s financial accounts is conducted annually.
  • Oversees the general administration and functioning of the society.
  • Ensures proper maintenance of common areas, security, and cleanliness.
  • Authorizes major repair works, renovations, and infrastructure improvements.
  • Acts as a mediator in resolving disputes between society members or between members and the Managing Committee.
  • Ensures that members’ grievances and complaints are addressed fairly and transparently.
  • Encourages a peaceful and cooperative environment within the society.
  • Ensures that the society has adequate security arrangements, fire safety, and emergency response systems.
  • Supports community development initiatives, cultural programs, and welfare activities for residents.